Am I Legally Required to Wear a Seatbelt in Pennsylvania?
Drivers and passengers are legally required to wear a seatbelt in Pennsylvania. However, failure to wear a seatbelt is considered a secondary offense unless you are under the age of 18. As a result, a police officer cannot pull you over solely for not wearing a seatbelt. Pennsylvania’s Seatbelt Law Under Pennsylvania Statutes Title...
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What Are The Booster Seat Laws in Pennsylvania?
Once car seats are outgrown, children are still not ready for adult seat belts. Local child passenger safety laws require these kids to travel in booster seats, typically until 8 years old. Pennsylvania Booster Seat Law Children who are at least four years old and 40 pounds can ride in a booster seat and...
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Can Multiple Parties Be Responsible for a Car Accident in Pennsylvania?
It is possible for multiple parties to be responsible for a car accident in Pennsylvania. Due to the state’s “modified comparative fault” rule, the compensation awarded to each party involved in a collision will be reduced by their percentage of fault. How Comparative Negligence Works Pennsylvania courts apply the law of modified comparative negligence...
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Can I Legally Wear Headphones While Operating a Vehicle in Pennsylvania?
Driving with headphones is illegal in many states, including Pennsylvania. Under section 3314 of Title 75 of the state’s Vehicle Code, “No driver shall operate a vehicle while wearing or using one or more headphones or earphones.” However, drivers can use cell phone headsets or Bluetooth devices that cover only one ear, as long...
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Philadelphia Auto Accident Statistics
Each year, thousands of people are seriously injured or killed in car accidents in the U.S. In Pennsylvania alone, there were nearly 80,000 injuries that resulted from car crashes in 2014. [wpdatachart id=3] While the data shows that motor vehicle accidents are declining, still more than 32,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2014....
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Autonomous & Semi-Autonomous Car Accidents in Pennsylvania
Advanced technology is placing more and more autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles on the road. When automated cars work as they are designed to, they can be safe and convenient. However, equipment and technology failures can result in serious and potentially deadly collisions. As a result, many questions revolve around liability for autonomous and semi-autonomous...
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