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Philadelphia Nerve Damage Attorney

Many of our clients have suffered nerve damage as result a car accident, slip and fall or construction accident. Symptoms of nerve damage often do occur immediately following a trauma, but develop over days and weeks. Although your doctor may tell you he believes you suffered nerve damage it is important to confirm this with testing such as an EMG.

If your symptoms are corroborated with objective testing then this can help ensure you are fully compensated for your injuries. Many insurance companies will not compensate you for nerve damage without the appropriate medical support. Contact our Philadelphia nerve damage attorneys to see how our firm can help.

Why Choose Us?

A Philadelphia nerve damage lawyer at our law firm can help guide you though the process to make sure you are getting the correct evaluations.

Well over 100 types of nerve damage have been clearly identified and classified. More than 20 million people in the United States are afflicted by peripheral nerve damage. Each type of damage presents different, though often similar, symptoms and may require different types of treatment. Some treatment options in Philadelphia may work for a variety of types of damage.

Since 1992, our law firm has helped individuals recoup damages from what was lost from an injury, from anything to car accidents or traumatic brain injury. Our firm offers on a contingency fee basis and free consultations are available.

The Three Types of Nerves

Many types of nerves exist, but the three principle types are sensory, motor, and autonomic. Each type performs a specific function, and when that functionality is compromised, the nerve is considered damaged.

  • Sensory nerves send information to the brain. This information usually pertains to our tangible environment and how we interact with it using our sense of touch. Our sense of touch may be compromised if we experience sensory nerve damage.
  • Motor nerves send information to the muscles which control our voluntary movements. This information generally pertains to major things we do such as grasping a pencil or putting food into our mouth. Motor functions are compromised if we experience motor nerve damage.
  • Autonomic nerves are those which control the automatic functions such as our heartbeat and breathing. Obviously if those are damaged we risk death rather quickly.


Autonomic nerve damage may be identified by the inability to sense chest pain, or they may sweat too much or too little. Lightheadedness, dry eyes and mouth, constipation, bladder dysfunction or sexual dysfunction are also symptoms.

Motor nerve damage may be identified by weakness, muscle atrophy, twitching, or paralysis. Symptoms depend greatly on the area in which the damage occurs.

Sensory nerve damage may be identified by pain, sensitivity, numbness, tingling or prickling, burning sensations or problems with positional awareness. Again, symptoms greatly depend on the area that is affected.

Some symptoms present singularly or in pairs. Some people, for example, may experience simultaneous weakness, prickling, and burning in their legs, especially in cases of neuropathy in the legs due to age or diabetes.

Common Causes

The most severe type of nerve damage is neurotmesis. It results in complete loss of function and continuity of the affected nerve. It is most often caused by severe bruising, tearing, or stretching of the nerve or tissue surrounding it.

The mid-range axonometsis is less severe than neurotmesis yet more severe than neurapraxia. Axonotmesis occurs when the axon of the nerve is disrupted, usually crushed or sustains pressure injury. This type of injury often takes months or years to fully heal through regeneration.

The mildest form of nerve damage is neurapraxia. This form of damage is usually the result of pressure on the nerve which blocks the transmission of signals. Healing and regeneration time may take a few days up to a few months. Mild carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common compression injuries.


Treatment measures aren’t always successful, depending on the type and extent of damage sustained. Reduction of symptoms and partial healing is often the best option. The sooner treatment begins the more effective it is. This means fast diagnosis, so people should always pay close attention to their own health.

Contact Our Philadelphia Nerve Damage Lawyers

If you or a loved one have suffered nerve damage, the attorneys at Rosenbaum & Associates can help. Our Philadelphia nerve damage attorneys offer free consultations to individuals impacted by these injuries. Contact us via our free contact form, or call (215) 569-0200 to discuss the options available.  

Related practice areas: Car Accidents, Slip and Fall, Construction Accidents.